Sandra Riekstina

With an education in intercultural relations and B.A. in Arts, I have focused my professional interest between contemporary art and social field. I have worked as a manager and curatorial assistant in a contemporary art centre in Riga, Latvia as well as organised small scale short film screenings and helped with organising bigger film festivals. During my 3 years at the contemporary art centre I mainly worked with the legacy of underground avant garde USSR artists and art as an anti political tool.
At the moment I live and work in Berlin where my main focus in fundraising and management in a ngo Kulturlabor Trail&Error. Our main focus is on upcycling, zero waste, circular economy, commons and creative activism. I have written and been part of organising a few projects with swapshops / circular economy and creative activism in particular to work with Eastern part of Ukraine where an ongoing military conflict is still active. I have been always interested in art as a social tool and a way to promote grassroots movements.