CANCELLED: Reshape Intensive Zagreb
Unfortunately, we are canceling the public programme of the Reshape Intensive Zagreb.

Unfortunately, we are canceling the public programme of the Reshape Intensive Zagreb.
How to encourage understanding of and promote the value of art in social fabric?
How to make open, inclusive and flexible governance models?
How can art better support practicing citizenship together?
What framework and tools do artists working transnationally need and how to provide them?
How can solidarity funding encourage the vitality of contemporary arts in these uncertain times?
We detected 5 topics that present particular challenges in the current arts ecosystem. They are complementary topics that form a systematic analysis of major challenges for the sector. They are open questions that will guide discussions in 5 trajectories and provide content to the process by which concrete answers and solutions will be proposed and tested.
Trajectories are bringing together 40 participants, “Reshapers”, invited through an open selection process, to provide concrete proposals of strategies and instruments to advance on one of the 5 challenges, in the course of 18 months, in 15 workshops and remote work.
The collective defines the difference between a performance and a per-formation as a deliberate decision to reduce, as a leap into unambiguity, one could even say into gesture.
LjubljanaThe DCI agents invite you to join individual conversations where dreaming and imagining are grounds for prefiguring new ways of working in the arts. The DCI is a fictional department that utilises civil imagination as a radical act to reshape realities in poetic, practical and political ways.
LjubljanaIn this informal session, you can discuss transnational and postnational artistic practices and discover the virtual exhibition of knowledge(s) curated collaboratively on this topic.
LjubljanaVarious artists from Ljubljana will host Reshape crew in their homes.
LjubljanaDuring the round table session, we will try to think about the following with our intersectional glasses on: How are decolonisation and degrowth mutually intertwined, and how are they intertwined with the art world, both together and separately? How does the concept and practice of degrowth differ from aspirations for sustainable practices? Where do decolonisation and degrowth intersect in relation to art?
LjubljanaIn this session, a group of artists and art workers they will guide us through the challenging journey that they underwent: questioning and mapping the areas of crisis that affect the independent cultural workers and artists, and planting seeds for possible positive futures to grow.
LjubljanaIf culture is a set of invisible customs, rules and regulations pertaining to our society, can we view art as a way to question, break and reinvent them? Should artists be a force of disobedience, calling out for changes in the existing order of things? Can an artwork invite its audience to a space of shared concern, and function as an act of disobedience?
LjubljanaThe walk from Stara elektrarna a bit to North will take us to a fenced constructions site that has been stagnant for year; an emerging production space for transdisciplinary practices, which sprouted from the neglected, crater-resembling construction site near the city center of Ljubljana.
LjubljanaArt'n'Stay is a platform that allows arts and culture spaces to create a new revenue stream, through the exchange and rental of their unused spaces.
LjubljanaThis workshop is an opportunity to reflect together on the possible transformations of the practices of our sector. For this, we will use an experimental tool: a set of cards inspired by a tarot deck and created by artists from Europe and the Mediterranean.
Ljubljanaby Reshapers and FARO : Eduardo Bonito, Lala Deheinzelin, Livia Diniz, Isabel Ferreira, Katarina Pavic and Claire Zerhouni
LjubljanaTjaša Pureber, a cultural worker, activist and a researcher of contemporary social and political movements will take you on a tour of three factories – all working factories in former century (or even one before) are now in process of transition or already transformed into spaces for art.
LjubljanaDuring this workshop, we will test ‘The Gamified Workshop Toolkit’, a card game specially designed for teams from different cultures, backgrounds, or personal situations, that are just beginning their collaboration.
LjubljanaThe First Altruistic Performance isbased on the author’s frustration and dissatisfaction with most of the so‑called artivistic projects (including his own), which exploit unfortunate, unjust, illegal, and similar miserable situations of the other and the others for self‑promotion and to strengthen their artistic ego, while being for the most part self‑sufficiently confined within the boundaries of the art system.
LjubljanaWorking session for participants from arts institutions involved in policy-making and arts funding, moderated by Mary Ann DeVlieg and Rarița Zbranca
LjubljanaThis talk will demonstrate how the fantasy of the End as some kind of radical catastrophe serves as a means of not ending anything and of maintaining the status quo.
LjubljanaPerformance "Auction House FORSALE" is in its legal nature an auction house, and yet it is a conceptual work of art made by the artist and performance-maker Lea Kukovičič. In Artist Talk FORSALE, the artistic director of the auction house will reveal the layers of mechanisms and unpack the ideology of the world's first theatre performance auction house.
LjubljanaVesna Vuković and Dunja Kučinac will present BLOK's agency and activities in a guided tour through a few chosen locations in the Trešnjevka neighborhood.
ZagrebA mile-long walk from the Zagreb main station towards the river,
Zagreb4D Catch up session by Reshapers and FARO: Eduardo Bonito, Lala Deheinzelin, Livia Diniz, Isabel Ferreira, Katarina Pavic and Claire Zerhouni
ZagrebThe publication "RESHAPE – A Workbook to Reimagine the Art World" documents a series of Prototypes designed by the RESHAPE community of artists and art workers. These prototypes function as proposals reflecting and inciting the transition of the sector towards more equitable and more sustainable ways of working.
ZagrebFollowing the call of the RESHAPE Network to reimagine fairer governance models, the 'autonomous board' (Martin Schick, Helga Baert and Sam Trotman and many other voices) has built a collective proposal for action underpinned by a new paradigm.
Zagreb & LjubljanaNatalija Majsova in conversation with Davor Mišković. This talk will explore how to reimagine the art world for today and tomorrow as a space of greater solidarity and fairness, and as a sphere intertwined with other realms of human activity.
ZagrebThe artistic organization Ateliers Žitnjak was founded in 2004 by the fellowship of artists, users of the ateliers in the complex of ex-elementary school Žitnjak, a venue under the public ownership of the City of Zagreb, that was re-made into ateliers in 2003.
ZagrebAfter 15 workshops where Reshapers, Facilitators and Partners were discussing the possibilities for reshaping the art field, the time came to step back a bit and to formulate those discussions into more elaborate reshaping prototypes that can be used across the sector.
The Solidarity Economies trajectory will continue shaping their rough ideas on what prototypes they want to work on. With help of the external facilitator, Konrad Gadzina, the group will focus on developing the manifesto that will underpin the principles for all other 5 prototypes ideas.
KievThe remote work within the RESHAPE group continues, this time in remote Lisbon. The group Value of Art in Social Fabric will work from 26 to 29 May on shaping their prototypes that will offer new approaches to this topic. They will work collectively on identifying their narrative on “reshaping the value of art in the social fabric”, in order to propose concrete, sustainable and realistic solutions for the art sector.
LisbonOnassis Air will host a 3-day workshop on "Fair Governance Models". Initially planned to take place in Athens, the workshop will bring together nine artists, researchers and practitioners in the cultural field, from across Europe and South Mediterranean, with a group of artists and art professionals based in Athens to reflect on the future of governance within the cultural field.
AthensThe last week of April was supposed to be the time for a meeting of the trajectory Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices in Marseille, but the lockdown that is in power in many countries due to the Corona virus outbreak conditioned us to deeply reshape our project that is largely based on travelling and physical meetings.
OnlineWe'll close the Reshape Intensive Zagreb programme with a party and a concert!
On the edge of Zagreb, there is a forest where locals take walks, relax and enjoy the air. Unlike the nearby Maksimir Park, where there is a zoo, a children’s playground, a restaurant and other entertainment facilities, this park is not overcrowded and is not a major destination for families seeking a leisurely Sunday stroll.
ZagrebIn his lecture Pascal Gielen analyses the relationship between art, politics and the public space in the creative city.
Zagreb"Degrowth" has emerged over the last 15 years. This "bomb word" has been used to open in-depth debates on whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. Degrowth first deconstructs the myth that growth is the central solution for the impasse our capitalist, productivist and consumerist societies have led us to.
ZagrebR-Urban (r-urban.net) is a project initiated by Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée as a commons-based network of civic resilience in Parisian suburbs.
ZagrebA walking tour around Trešnjevka will lead you through key locations of this traditionally working-class neighborhood.
Zagreb[BLOK] is a curatorial collective which operates at the intersection of art, urban research and political activism. Their projects are designed and realised as platforms for collective work of artists, curators, researchers, political activists and anyone interested in the politics of space, production of commons, democratisation of culture and reflection of artistic practices from the perspective of their social and production conditions.
ZagrebClubture Network is a non-profit, inclusive, participatory network of organizations working on strengthening the independent cultural sector through program networking, raising public visibility, encouraging organizational development of the sector and strengthening its influence on the institutional framework in which it operates.
ZagrebIPE is research and education organisation that operates at nexus of academia, activism and politics. It focuses on political ecology, both in theory and practice discussing opportunities and limits of ecological transformation and its social impacts.
ZagrebDomino is an NGO dedicated to independent art and activism focusing on LGBTIQ minorities and women's rights. Domino produces several festivals in Croatia and internationally and commissions / co-produces 35 - 40 artistic projects per year, is publishing 1 - 2 books per year, has a regular queer film program once a month and organise arts management and curating educations and seminars.
ZagrebIn the world of big data, we must not only deal with potential computer failures, but also a high level of opacity related to how this data is collected, how it is interpreted, who has access to it, and how it can be manipulated.
ZagrebThe workshop in Ghent will continue with the discussion about the value of art in social fabric: How is society shaped (and reshaped) with art and how is wider community benefiting from it.
GhentHow to practice the common while being together physically becomes a luxury? How to root one’s own practice locally, when, to one of the Reshapers, „work is always elsewhere”?
IstanbulThe second workshop in trajectory Solidarity funding.
PotsdamThe second workshop in trajectory Fair governance models.
SofiaThe workshop 24-28 September will be held in Hammana and Beirut and organised by ACT association in collaboration with Hammana Artist House.
Hammana and Beirut, LebanonThe first workshop in trajectory Value of art in social fabric.
Prague, Czech RepublicThe first workshop in trajectory Fair governance models.
Tangier, MoroccoThe first workshop in trajectory Transnational / postnational artistic practices.
Copenhagen, DenmarkA Long Table is a free and open format of discussions created by the American artist and activist Lois Weaver, inspired by dinner table conversations and durational performances.
LublinAlexandros Mistriotis is an artist based in Athens (Greece). He studied visual arts but his practice is oscillating between images and words, questioning the distance between poetry, theory and performance.
LublinTony Chakar is a Lebanese artist, architect and writer whose work incorporates literature, philosophy, and theory, and has been included in numerous exhibitions internationally.
LublinJoris Janssens (Flanders Arts Institute) and Milica Ilić (Onda) introduce the what, the why and the how of the project.
LublinToni Cots, Igor Stokfiszewski and Amahl Khouri in conversation with Barbara Van Lindt (Belgium) about perspectives of artist, art workers and policy makers in Europe and South Mediterranean.
LublinThe complex uncertainties of our times make engaging with futures increasingly challenging. What could encourage proactive engagement with these challenges?