Pavla Petrova

Pavla Petrová with her background in economics and management has many years of experience working for large cultural institutions and projects. Since 1992 she has been working for the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic– longest as the Director of the Section of Arts and Libraries. She has also acted as the producer manager of the International Festival of New Dance CONFRONTATIONS and the Central European Dance Platform 2002. Since 2008 she is the Director of the Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague and General Director of the world largest event and exhibition Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. She has been a member of different expert teams and working groups on culture policy and on mobility of artists. Recently she is a national author of the Czech Profile in the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe of the Council of Europe. She is a board member of the international mobility network On-the-Move, member of the Czech Commission for UNESCO, and chairwoman of the Czech Sector Skills Council on Culture.