Weronika Parfianowicz

Weronika Parfianowicz, PhD, works at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw, a member of Workshop for Urban Studies. Her research interests involve Central European urban culture, housing policies, and degrowth. She’s the author of a book devoted to the Czech and Polish projects of Central Europe (Europa Środkowa w tekstach i działaniach. Polskie i czeskie dyskusje, Warszawa 2016) and co-editor of collective monographs devoted to the Polish and Czech avant-garde and underground and to housing policies. She’s aiming at combining academic work with raising awareness on the climate-ecological crisis by co-organising a series of lectures, meetings, and discussions devoted to environmental questions. She’s a member of Workers’ Initiative Trade Union (Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Inicjatywa Pracownicza).