Eduardo Bonito

I am a Brazilian/Italian producer, artist and curator educated in Performing Arts and Public Relations at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and in Performance at Middlesex University, England. I am currently working in several projects to do with new horizontal as a leading investigator at PEA – Project for Artistic Expansion at Graner/Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona.
There we are devising several pilot projects for independent dance companies, such as PiedraDura, a horizontal educational project, and AguaBlanda a shared office and governance project. There I am responsible for implementing the planning and execution using new circular feminist economy models as proposed by Brazilian philosopher Lala Deheinzelin and her 4D Fluxomony techniques.
I am also currently leading the Working Group of governance, Sustainability and Network Actions of REDIV – IberoAmerican ScreenDance Network.
I have worked as a professional producer since 1990, having acted as project manager at Artsadmin (London 1997-2001) and artistic and executive director of Festival Panorama (Rio de Janeiro 2004-13), where I created many projects structures and founded many networks and their governance methodologies, such as coLABoratorio, South American Dance Network, Circuito brasileiro de Festivais deInternacionais de Dança, Shared Spaces and REDIV, among others. I was co-founder of Casa Nuvem, an autonomous space of confluence of art and activism experimentation.
I also work as creative producer for hello!earth from Denmark and as mentor to Teatros de Canal’s resident artists in Madrid, as one of the artistic directors of the Dança em Foco, an International Festival of Video and Dance (since 2004) and co-director of the ComPosições Politicas (since 2010). In all projects I am always devising new tools for cooperation, collaboration and horizontal decisions among members.