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Istanbul, Turkeybirbuçuk (one-and-a-half in English) is a collective which aims to re-interpret and re-discuss the information, knowledge and suggestions revealed through scientific and socio-political works around ecology and through social movements in our planet and geography, and to deliberate them with reference to visual arts, performing arts and...
View full profile →Claire Malika Zerhouni
Istanbul, TurkeyI am a Cultural Manager of French and Algerian descent, based in Istanbul-Turkey, Co-Director of A Corner in the World, an independent platform focusing on performing arts. I also collaborate as a freelancer with international institutions as the Sundance Institute, and volunteers with Addar, a space supporting refugees settling down in Istanb...
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Eda Sutunc
Turkey, IstanbulMy name is Eda Sutunc, I am an interdisciplinary artist, lecturer, dreamer and an art entrepreneur based in Istanbul, Turkey. I completed my undergraduate studies at Koc University, Istanbul majoring in Media and Visual Arts, minoring in Psychology with a design certificate. I did design projects working as a freelance designer and worked, cre...
View full profile →Ekmel Ertan
Berlin, Germany; Istanbul, TurkeyI work as an art manager, curator, artist and educator. I am the founder and artistic director of İstanbul based amberPlatform/BIS (Body Process Art Association), which is a research and production platform in the junction of art, technologies and society. I am the initiator and artistic director of international “amber Art and Technolo...
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Hakan Silahsizoglu
Istanbul, TurkeyI trained as an actor at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in England. As a cultural operator; I'm a member of The Fence theatre network and the co-coordinator of Turkish committee in Eurodram, Europe's largest drama translation network. I've given talks & classes about theatre in Turkey in various international theatre schools, instituti...
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Melih Gencboyaci
Amsterdam, Netherlands; The Hague, Netherlands; Rotterdam, Netherlands; Istanbul, Turkey ; Brussels, BelgiumMelih Gencboyaci, was born 1977 in Germany. While studying economics and acting in Turkey. Later, he studied at Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Mime departement in The Netherlands. Since 2008, he has been an active member of fruitful and tender collaborations: Schwalbe and Copycats. He was one of the co-founders and engaged in developi...
View full profile →Merve Caskurlu Belgesay
California, USA; Istanbul, TurkeyI was born in Istanbul in 1981. After graduation from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul, I interned in ENSBA in Paris between 2007-2009. Since 2015, I work as a full-time instructor in the Visual Communication Design Department of Yeditepe University in Istanbul. I co-directed various events one of which is the first new media art f...
View full profile →Rami Magharbeh
Gaziantep, TurkeyRami Magharbeh is a Syrian Cultural Manager based in Turkey/Gaziantep. He is the founder and Director of “Douzan Art and Culture” which is a Syrian non-profit institution that launched in Turkey in 2019, to enable Syrians to practice and shape their contemporary cultural identity, through preserving cultural memory, providing space...
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Rita Aktay
London, United Kingdom; Istanbul, TurkeyI am currently studying an MFA in Curating at Goldsmiths University of London. My background is in both Fine Arts, as a practicing visual artist, and in Visual Cultures, as a critical and cultural thinker. I am from Istanbul, and I have lived there most of my life; thus I am compelled to engage with East/West divides which reflect on societies...
View full profile →Zeynep Uğur
Paris, France; Istanbul, TurkeyI was born in Istanbul and based in Paris since 5 years. While studying International Relations in Galatasaray University, I played an active role in university's theatre club. In 2014, I moved to Paris for my MA in political studies at EHESS. In 2015, I started my PhD at the same department with my dissertation “Transformation of Public...
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