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An Vandermeulen
Brussels, BelgiumI’m born in the countryside, but mentally raised in an activist city life. I’m living in Brussels for 10 years, after a 7 years study of linguistics & literature on the one hand and arts (performance & sculpture) on the other hand in Ghent, Brussels & Berlin. During my educational life, I developed a passion for - &lsqu...
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Ana Alexieva
Sofia, BulgariaMy name is Ana and I have been professionally engaged in the arts and culture field for the last eight years. I started my career as a documentary film producer in 2011 at AGITPROP, one of the most acclaimed Bulgarian film companies. Parallel to my work in film up until 2016, I was also the project manager of the NGO Balkan Documentary Center....
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Anastasya Kizilova
Saint-Petersburg, RussiaMy main artistic activity is the search for hidden gaps in social, economic and environmental patterns that could open a way for a new kind of interaction and communication. My projects address the tightknitness of the artistic community, its autonomy as a separate social group, and explore and implement alternative models of interaction. ...
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Aniko Racz
Budapest, HungaryLike so many of my colleagues in the profession I have a number of hats. My permanent job covers strategic development and international relations at SÍN Arts Centre, a production house in Budapest for the development of independent contemporary dance artists. We offer space, production management, f...
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Bojan Krištofić
Zagreb, CroatiaBojan Krištofić (b. 1987 in Zagreb, Croatia) is a writer, art critic, designer and curator. He received his MA degree in Visual Communications Design at the Faculty of Architecture (University of Zagreb) in 2012. He was a member of the editorial board of Zarez, a journal for cultural and social issues; and has been writing on design, ar...
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Caroline Melon
Bordeaux, FranceMy artistic career was driven during 12 years as a director of a festival in Bordeaux. This festival, Chahuts try to make link between people and to work about how art could help empowerment (self-empowerment, about urbanistic projetcs, gentrification of the city....). The festival works with fragile people...
View full profile →Chiara Organtini
Terni, ItalyI am a curator and creative producer passionate about art and public space as site specific interventions, digital experiments, participatory works that question the boundary of spectatorship. My mission is to challenge people imagination through physical experiences that let alternative scenarios emerge. Within Reshape my focus is on form of ...
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Claire Malika Zerhouni
Istanbul, TurkeyI am a Cultural Manager of French and Algerian descent, based in Istanbul-Turkey, Co-Director of A Corner in the World, an independent platform focusing on performing arts. I also collaborate as a freelancer with international institutions as the Sundance Institute, and volunteers with Addar, a space supporting refugees settling down in Istanb...
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Dominika Święcicka
Poznań, PolandOver the last few years I was involved in many projects regarding art, music and film. I studied Art History in Warsaw, now I am a student of Intermedia department in Poznań. I try to mix the knowledge and experience of both in my artistic practice. I worked in Museum of Modern Art and Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw where I lear...
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Doreen Toutikian
Athens, Greece; Beirut, LebanonDoreen Toutikian ( is a Greek Armenian Lebanese interdisciplinary designer, researcher, educator, and a cultural entrepreneur. She is Founding Director of Beirut Design Week (, Co-founder & President of the Board of MENA Design Research Center (, and Co-founder of her latest initiative i...
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Dorota Ogrodzka
Warsaw, PolandFor me the most important combinations are: theory/ practice and art/ people. I’m a researcher, activist, artist (based in theatre as a director and theatre pedagogue). I’m a leader of Association of Theatre Pedagogues. We run LUB/LAB, an independent cultural institute in Warsaw. It is a...
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Eduardo Bonito
Pamplona, Spain; Madrid, Spain; Barcelona, Spain; Copenhagen, Denmark; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Fortaleza, BrazilI am a Brazilian/Italian producer, artist and curator educated in Performing Arts and Public Relations at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and in Performance at Middlesex University, England. I am currently working in several projects to do with new horizontal as a leading investigator at PEA – ...
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Ekmel Ertan
Berlin, Germany; Istanbul, TurkeyI work as an art manager, curator, artist and educator. I am the founder and artistic director of İstanbul based amberPlatform/BIS (Body Process Art Association), which is a research and production platform in the junction of art, technologies and society. I am the initiator and artistic director of international “amber Art and Technolo...
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Fatin Farhat
Ramallah, PalestineI started off my career as an art operator who managed various cultural spaces in Palestine ranging from civil society led to a local government. I have overseen the conception/implementation of numerous local, regional and international cultural and artistic programs (festivals, public spaces interventions, productions, seminars, research). I...
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Gjorgje Jovanovik
Skopje, FYROMI have graduated at the Faculty of Fine Arts, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje in 2003. Through my work I’ve been working on different project which enable me to have alternative forms of education and organization. I’ve been part of many civic and art initiatives including the initiative "I love GTC" (2013-15), for savin...
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Harald Geisler
Frankfurt am Main, GermanyHarald Geisler is an artist working with typography. Since 2010 he created 14 crowdfunding campaigns for art projects that were supported by over 6600 individuals from more than 50 countries with a total funding of over 160.000€. Born 1980 in Frankfurt, he studied at various places (Basel, Berlin, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Offenbach, Potsdam)...
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Heba el-Cheikh
Cairo, EgyptHeba elCheikh is an outdoor performances producer, Steering committee member of Circostrada network, local Associate of NESTA Culture Entrepreneurship Programme in Egypt and a Clore Fellow 2016-2017. She studied French, translation and journalism and in 2012 she had her Masters degree in Arts Management, in focus on community arts and evaluati...
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Helga Baert
Brussels, Belgium; Antwerp, BelgiumSince 2006 I’m active as an artworker in the independent performance scene. I’ve collaborated with many independent artist and organizations in the past years in Brussels and Europe and was part of several transnational projects. In 2008 I funded Mokum, a production & management platform for independent artist. In 2010 ...
View full profile →Ilija Pujić
Mostar, Bosnia and HerzegovinaI was born in a war torn city of Mostar, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to the war the city was divided, opportunities were limited or non-existing, and people shut themselves down physically and mentally. The fabric of humanity was torn. It’s easy to restore ruined buildings, but it’s a completely different thing with human beings...
View full profile →Ingrid Vranken
Brussels, Belgium; Amsterdam, NetherlandsAfter completing my masters in Theatre Studies at the University of Antwerp and Freie Universität Berlin, I worked as a dramaturg and producer. Rethinking collaborations and the ethics of artistic production has been a red thread throughout my work. As a past core member of Bâtard Festival (a volunteer run festival focussing on emer...
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Jean-Lorin Sterian
Bucharest, RomaniaI'm a researcher, writer, artist and performer currently based in Bucharest/Romania. In 2008, I opened lorgean theatre, the first living-room theater in Romania. I published several fiction books and one anthropological work related to his experiences of turning his house into a public space for performances. Currently, I'm researching signs o...
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Jessica Huber
Zürich, SwitzerlandI've been mainly working in the fields of performing arts. During the past 6 years my (artistic) work has been focusing on practises of exchange, sharing and collaboration – and on how to create spaces where different voices can coexist next to each other - not just as an inspiration, but as a radical (artistic & social) practise fro...
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Joon Lynn Goh
London, United Kingdom; Blackpool, United Kingdom; Bristol, United KingdomI am a UK based cultural producer, community organiser and practice-based researcher. My interest is in the live encounter, emancipatory forms of learning and organising, and structural change. My practice often sits at the interface of art and the contemporary struggle of migrants. As a recipient of the Live Art UK Diverse Actions Lea...
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Laure Deselys
London, United Kingdom; Brussel, Belgium; Geneva, Switzerland; Ramallah, Palestine; Berlin, Germany; Beirut, LebanonWorking under different spellings, Laure Deselys is an artist, cultural practitioner and researcher who works collaboratively with words, lenses, multi-definitions of space, their users and inhabitants. She studied Art, Philosophy and Visual Culture in disorder at La Cambre and Université Libre in Brussels , Académie Libanaise de...
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Margarita Pita
Athens, Greece; London, United Kingdom; Berlin, GermanyMargarita Pita is a freelance lawyer, a cultural manager and a social artist based in Athens. She works in complex cultural projects that allow her to harness her multidisciplinary background and she passionately creates participatory experiences through the performing arts.She has a BA degree in Law (Athens),a Master’s in Arts &am...
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Maria Vlachou
Almada, PortugalI am a Cultural Management and Communications consultant. Founding member and Executive Director of Acesso Cultura | Access Culture, working on promoting access – physical, social and intellectual – to cultural participation. In our work, we consider both exogenous and endogenous barriers that hinder the relationship between cultur...
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Marina Urruticoechea
Bilbao, SpainWe are 3 interconnected networks of cultural agents located in the Basque Country, in the city of Bilbao, with common,complementary objectives and shared strategic lines (Wikitoki is a partner of Sarean, Sarean and Wikitoki are in turn partners of KARRASKAN). We work in a context marked by de-industrialisation, economic restructuring t...
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Marine Thévenet
Lille, France; Brussels, BelgiumArtist led organisation, L’Amicale is a cooperative platform of live projects. We create and produce performances and live installations. We always thought content and form iterative to each others: in art projects as much as in the organisation itself, convinced that the producing tool as an influence to the creation itself. Created in ...
View full profile →Martin Schick
Fribourg, SwitzerlandI'm an independent artist, cultural manager and activist, born in Switzerland, living in empty homes of other people. Educated as a performance artist at the Highschool of Arts in Berne, I work since 2007 on scenic plays and spatial projects within the field of independent dance and performance. While treating the arts as a place of permanent ...
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Martinka Bobrikova & Oscar de Carmen
Oslo, Norway; Uddebo, Sweden; Bratislava, SlovakiaMartinka Bobrikova & Oscar de Carmen have been working together as an artistic duo since 2005. Our practice, which is often community based, aims at setting up new social ecosystems. We use artistic expression as a didactic strategy that transcends the limits of everyday life and art to question relationships between ethics, aesthetics and...
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Belgrade, SerbiaMinipogon is a collective initiated in 2017 in Belgrade by a group of artists, scientists and activists which, already experienced in a number of activities and organizations related to array of social issues and concerns (socially engaged art projects, refugee aid volunteering, socially oriented technological innovation, coop. movements, etc)...
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Ouafa Belgacem
Tunis, TunisiaOuafa is an expert in cultural and creative projects fundraising. She is also a researcher interested in topics related with arts and culture financing and cultural policies in the MENA and Africa Regions. She is the founder of Culture Funding Watch a leading enterprise dedicated to capacity building and intelligence gathering and monitoring a...
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Paky Vlassopoulou
Athens, Greece; Zagreb, CroatiaThe 3 founders of 3 137, we met in the early 2000’s in a newly established art school in north Greece with a very DIY attitude that encouraged collaborations. I am currently taking part in a, again, newly founded educational program, WHW Akademy, in Zagreb Croatia. I found out about WHW collective several years ago, when we met D...
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Pau Cata
Barcelona, SpainPau Cata has been working in the cultural field as facilitator and curator for more than 10 years. He competed his degree in Contemporary History by the University of Barcelona in 2004 with awarded Erasmus in the Univercita degli studi di Firenze (Italy) and at the Laboratory of Anthopology a Democrit University of Komotini (Greece). In the sa...
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Petr Dlouhy
Prague, Czech Republic; Berlin, Germany; Warsaw, PolandIn 2017 I've established a new venue for independent performing arts Cross Attic. I was thinking a lot about responsibility of a venue in the context of a city scene and about its role. By looking at Prague arts communities I started to feel an urge to open more towards international perspectives. To enrich Prague scene with artists th...
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Sam Trotman
Aberdeenshire, ScotlandScottish Sculpture Workshop is a unique, rural site of collective learning and inquiry set up to support artists in the research and realisation of their ideas. Through our workshop facilities and curated programmes we enable the coming together of artists with other practitioners and the more-than-human. Together we build a dynamic, pedagogic...
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Tewa Barnosa
Berlin, Germany; Tripoli, LibyaI am an artist and a curator. In 2015 I founded waraq art foundation and opened its art space in Tripoli, Libya with the vision to revive the art scene. I didn't receive any education after high school because I invested my school savings for starting up the art space and to "learn by doing" since there wasn't proper art education in my countr...
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Virdžinija Đeković
Belgrade, SerbiaHaving completed my studies at bachelors and masters levels in cultural management at the Faculty of the Dramatic Arts in Belgrade (including a masters thesis on using the potential of local communities to develop cultural tourism), now I’m PhD candidate (focusing on participatory public policy) and teaching assistant at the same Faculty...
View full profile →Virág Major
Budapest, Hungary; Berlin, GermanyVirág Major is an independent curator and cultural manager based in Berlin and Budapest. She has worked internationally in the field of visual arts, from gallery assistance in contemporary galleries, through project management for the Contemporary Architecture Center in Budapest and an inspiring year working for the Curatorial Departmen...
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Zoe Lafferty
United Kingdom; PalestineI am a theatre director and creative producer, touring productions to leading theatres and festivals across the UK and world-wide including the Young Vic London, Schaubühne Berlin and the Skirball Theatre NY. I am an Associate Director at the Freedom Theatre in Palestine and was a director as part of the first Old Vic 12. I was named one ...
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