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Alfredo Martins
Lisbon, PortugalMy name is Alfredo Martins and I’m a Portuguese theatre maker. My professional activity has been swinging between acting, directing, producing and researching and in all these 'métiers' I always felt the tension between the labour of producing an artistic object and its relation with the world – how does art address the worl...
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Ana Pinto Gonçalves
PortugalWith a career born and developed in communication, curiosity and interest led me to advance, learn and work on marketing and, in the last six years, fundraising and sponsorship. Sports was the economic sector I kicked off my sponsorship and fundraising path in, until I was dared to move to the cultural sector to create and implement a strategy...
View full profile →Ana Henriques Brotas
Portugal, LisbonEmbracing playful discourses that cross art, design, science, pedagogy and activism, I position my work not through a specific discipline but rather in the optics of a methodology. I begin by questioning assumptions in order to create sustainable narratives. This contextualized starting point leads to a wide range of materializations. ...
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Anouk Froidevaux
Lisbon, Portugal; Berlin, Germany; Brussels, BelgiumI am a Canadian-Swiss professional dance artist, performing across Europe and internationally for 16 years. I have worked transnationally in Europe, collaborating with local communities through performances and experiential workshops. In 2003, I received my Dance Individual Study Bachelor at Codarts, Rotterdam. Since 2009, I am part of Berlin-...
View full profile →Antónia Marques
Porto, PortugalVisual Artist and Educator was born in Oporto in 1974, Portugal. Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts and Design for Public Space, FBAUP. Since always engrossed in an intense and diversified civic participation, it reflects in its artistic practice on the group dynamics that are organized in support of the defense of common causes. It seeks to ...
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Santarém, Portugal 1 personArtemrede is a Portuguese cultural cooperation project operating uninterruptedly for the last 15 years. It currently gathers 16 municipalities, promoting the interaction between cities of different scales. Artemrede focuses on the specificities of the territories through its support to artistic creation, cultural programming in network, qualif...
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BURILAR Processos Criativos na Mediação de Públicos CRL
Porto, PortugalBURILAR – Processos Criativos na Mediação de Públicos CRL, it is a cultural co-op funded in 2018, by a multidisciplinary arts collective - visual arts, performing arts and design; mixing years of work experience and several projects in education and cultural sector. BURILAR come as an answer to a multi-sided call fro...
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Carolina Martins
PortugalI'm currently a PhD Fellow writing a thesis on how spatial configurations of graphic narratives installations affect the narrative itself. My aim is to take this further to the graphic medicine field. Also, I've been working as a contemporary dance producer for a few years now and I am mostly connected to projects that are interdisciplinary an...
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Catarina Vieira
Lisbon, PortugalI was born in 1983, Aveiro, Portugal. I’m a theatre maker based in Lisbon whose work articulates different artistic fields, such as Theatre, Performance, Installation and Video. I graduated as a theatre maker at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (Lisbon). Between 2007 and 2015, I have worked mostly in partnership with the theatre maker ...
View full profile →Catarina Saraiva
PortugalI present myself as performing arts curator and researcher, but I could say that I’m a manager, producer, dramaturgist... Resuming, I’m a cultural worker who needs to know a lot in many fields in order to develop the projects I conceive and work with. For several years, I’ve worked in big projects as ...
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Catharina Sligting
Faia, Portugal; Guarda, PortugalSince 2007 I am co-owner of the 20 ha ecological mountain farm in rural Portugal, where I developed activities centered on eco-agroturism, cultural heritage, nature conservation, biodynamic farm, artist-in-residence, annual small scale art festival, land art projects, slow food. In the Netherlands, my country of origin, I was director ...
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Costanza Givone
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal; Porto, PortugalMy theatrical career began with the creation of a visual theatre company, I was interested in creating works with an universal language that could be accessible to people from different countries, ages and social background. I moved to Portugal and started working with choreographers (Madalena Vitorino, Aldara Bizarro) that worked whit communi...
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Cristiane Oliveira
Coimbra, Portugal; Belo Horizonte, BrazilI consider myself an artist, an art manager, an international analyst, a curator and (for now deeply) a researcher in the field of Cultural Diplomacy and Creative Economy. I am doing my PhD at Coimbra University in Contemporary Studies in the Interdisciplinary Institute of Investigation (III). I have my bachelor’s degree in International...
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Daniela Vieitas Lima
Luanda, Angola; Viana do Castelo, PortugalI'm a professional actress since 2001, and I have prioritized the work with the communities (Teatro Ao Largo and Teatro do Montemuro). I also worked for 2 years in São Tomé e Principe (África), where I developed projects that allied the Art to the Development and, since 2014, I'm living in Angola. In this country I am part...
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Dominika Belanská
Bratislava, Slovakia; Prague, Czech Republic; Lisbon, Portugal; Warsaw, PolandI was born in Czechoslovakia in 1988. I took academic courses in architecture, fine arts, design of interior and exhibitions, intermedia and art pedagogy in Bratislava and Milan. Since 2011 I have been actively organizing initiatives and campaigns to support citizen rights and participation, and organizing projects of re-qualification of urban...
View full profile →Eclipse Arte
Tábua, Portugal; Sintra, Portugal; Porto, Portugal; Barcelona, SpainEclipse Arte develops the solarte community and The Maries project. We are to develop an art with sustainability in harmony with animals and plants. We have focus to create alive art that inspires the communities and the gathering of artists and publics. Living in small farms and creating mobility between the cities, exhange of tools and creat...
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Elisabete Paiva
Lisboa, Portugal; Alcanena, Portugal; Cartaxo, PortugalI’m interested in arts and politics ever since I remember, but it took me time to find the path that would connect the two. I started studying Architecture, but I finally graduated as Theatre Producer and worked as freelancer with several Portuguese artists, in Lisbon. The experience that gave meaning to my voice was at CENTA, an arts re...
View full profile →Elsa Sofia de Oliveira Santos Mathei
Algarve, Portugal; Lagos, NIgeriaHarpsichordist | mother | artist | creative person Répétiteur at the Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa and harpsichord teacher at the Conservatório de Música Loulé. Co-founder and member of the pedagogical team of the Conservatório de Artes de Lagoa, where we established a transversal organizatio...
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Inesa Markava
Leiria, PortugalIn 2005 I won one year exchange scholarship in Portugal and worked within international cultural program team in Leiria. In my free time I’ve started contemporary and classical dance classes at Clara Leão dance school and after the first public performance I was invited to work with School of Arts and Concerts for Babies project i...
View full profile →João Gonçalo Lopes
Leiria, PortugalHaving graduated as an architect at Universidade de Coimbra and Escuela Técnica de Arquitectura de Madrid in 2011, I have since then worked in several architectural offices in cities like Lisbon, Madrid, Tokyo, Shanghai and London. This experience has given me a broad view on different ways of working and living and pushed me to adapt t...
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Laura Frederico
Lisbon, Portugal; Berlin, GermanyI am a Portuguese actress based between Lisbon where I am studying a Master in Performance Arts and Berlin where my theatre collective, Blauhauch, is based. After working with different theatre and cinema directors all around the world, attending workshops to improve my knowledge and capacities in different areas, I felt something was missing....
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Lucas Simões
PortugalLucas Simões began his career in Brazil as a filmmaker in 2014 with a short film production company. Today, Simões begins a new cycle studying Visual Arts and conducting Marketing courses in Portugal, where he has just released his latest feature film "Red Mask" through his new continent-born producer Omni Studios, where Lucas implements and impr...
View full profile →Luis Fernandes
Lisbon, PortugalGraduated in Psychology and Art-Therapy studies, he has a Master's Degree in Documentary Cinema and has carried out studies in Ethnomusicology in New University of Lisbon. Works as a freelance musician and filmmaker and is an active member of the Glocalmusic cooperative. He has participated in several projects of artistic education in ...
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Luka Knežević Strika
Belgrade, Serbia; Funchal, PortugalLuka Knežević Strika (Belgrade, 1983) is a photographer, visual artist and cultural worker. His works are part of the collection of the October Salon. In 2009, he co-founded an art collective Belgrade Raw. Collective’s ongoing archive of documentary photography of Belgrade is available ...
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Maria Vlachou
Almada, PortugalI am a Cultural Management and Communications consultant. Founding member and Executive Director of Acesso Cultura | Access Culture, working on promoting access – physical, social and intellectual – to cultural participation. In our work, we consider both exogenous and endogenous barriers that hinder the relationship between cultur...
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Marta Martins
Santarém, PortugalMarta Martins is the executive director of ARTEMREDE, a Portuguese cultural network that gathers 16 municipalities. She has been responsible for the design and coordination of several projects, most of them anchored on audience engagement strategies and participatory activities, in small villages or in large urban centers. Marta has a ...
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Monika Požek
Spain; Slovenia; PortugalSlovenian born, and started to dance very young, different styles (ballroom dance, show dance, hip hop and breakdance), compete and perform as a professional dancer until the end of my University. I graduated in 2003 at Ljubljana University (Degree in Continuing Education) and combining few jobs: primary school as a special education teacher, ...
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Myrna Renaud
Lisbon, Portugal; Barcelona, Spain; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Mayaguez, Puerto RicoI am an autodidact born in NYC, raised in Puerto Rico. Trained in ballet and the visual arts. At age 22 retrained as a modern dancer studying the choreographic and stylistic expressions of the 20th century, both theoretically and technically in NYC. Co-founded Barrunto Dancers, a collective of international choreographers dedicated to the crea...
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Paula Varanda
PortugalAfter graduating at Escola Superior de Dança (Lisbon, 1994) I collaborated as executive producer with various independent organizations until 2005: Danças na Cidade/Alkantara (Lisbon) promoted an international festival and performing arts publications; Re.Al-João Fiadeiro (Lisbon) was touring as a dance company and promoti...
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Pedro Costa
Lisabon, PortugalPedro Costa is Professor at the Department of Political Economy at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and Director of DINAMIA’CET-IUL (Research Center on Socioeconomic Change and Territory), where he coordinates the “Cities and Territories” research group. Economist, PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, he wo...
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Sara Machado
Lisbon, PortugalA decade ago, my interest in artistic mobility has emerged and “drove me” into personal and professional decisions. Cultural management master’s degree was the milestone from where I´ve start to build a growing tree of motivations, a bubbling network and an endless thirsty to keep learning and doing. Since then, I´...
View full profile →Sara Abrantes
Lisbon, PortugalWith a degree in Performing Art Studies, by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, and postgraduate in Museology by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences in Lisbon, she also attended the Film course at the Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 in Paris. She has developed her professional activity in the fields of production and programming ...
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Sezen Tonguz
Lisbon, PortugalI come from a diverse professional and cultural backgrounds. Since my involvement with ÇATI Contemporary Dance Artists’ Association in Istanbul, later via artistic collaborations with various professionals and until recently founding (Re)union – Informal International Artists’ Network in 2015 and co-founding Co-dance L...
View full profile →Tiago Dias dos Santos
Porto, PortugalMy name is Tiago, and I’m a BA in Audiovisual Communication Technology by ESMAE, in Porto, with a specialisation in Photography at the Karel de Grote-Hogeschool in Antwerp. I’m also a MA in Multimedia — Culture and Arts branch, by FEUP, also in Porto. I’ve participated in different courses or interchanges, like ...
View full profile →Tânia Guerreiro
Lisboa, PortugalFirst studied Scenography on Superior School of Theatre and Cinema, finished in Barcelona in Institut del Teatre. Complemented the formation with the course of Production of Dance of Forum Dança. Producer since 1999, worked in the fields of theatre, dance and cinema. In the areas of production of structures of creation, worked in Re.Al ...
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Vânia Rodrigues
Porto, PortugalI have been working as an arts manager and consultant for more than 15 years, both in the independent and the public sector. I have specialized in the performing arts, namely in the field of strategic planning, internationalization and programming. My last two positions were as Strategy Advisor for Artemrede...
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